Principal’s Page

Welcome to Hoosic Valley Elementary School

Kerri Greco
Elementary School Principal at Hoosic Valley


Kerri Greco has a rich history with Hoosic Valley, where she spent many years as an Elementary School teacher before becoming the Elementary School Principal. Her passion for science and innovation led her to establish the STEAM Lab at the elementary school, enhancing hands-on learning opportunities for students. Mrs. Greco is dedicated to excellence in instruction, using data-driven practices to promote student success. She values working collaboratively with students, faculty, staff, and families, fostering a supportive and inspiring educational environment. 

Helpful information:

* The new student registration process for the school year can be done by visiting our district’s homepage for brochures and applications, under the tab labeled ‘Register New Students’.
* Parent Square is used for a majority of communication between the school and home.  Please make sure you have access to the app/website and have a current e-mail address on file for updates.

* Our elementary school uses a Responsive Classroom approach to social emotional learning.  We are a school of joy, discovery and respect!  Our goal is to provide a safe and engaging classroom/school environment where our students have opportunities to learn and grow.
* For new families that are joining our school (or reminders for current families), the following information might be helpful (more detailed information is available in our Student/Parent Handbook as well):

School hours:

Pre-K: 8:30-1:30 (unless otherwise directed by the program)

Grades K-6: 7:55pm – 2:10pm *8:05am or after – students are tardy

Early pick-up or pick-up at Dismissal (changes):
If for some reason you need to pick your child up early from school, a written note to the teacher must be sent that morning with your child.  *Please do not call or Parent Square message on the day of the pick up unless it is an emergency.*  This alerts the teacher, who in turn gives the notice to the office, so we are all aware when you are arriving to pick your child up.  Also, if you are picking your child up from school (and this is a different situation than their usual dismissal plan) please write a note so that school staff know to have your child wait for you to pick them up.

Bus Changes:
Bus changes should be avoided when possible.  If a child is going somewhere other than home at the end of the day and needs to ride a different bus, you must send a note.  It should include the child’s full name, the Route # the child will be riding and the full name and address of the person that will be expecting him/her.
**For the safety of the students, telephone calls are not recommended in any of these situations unless there is an emergency.

All visitors must be signed in through the main office.  A valid state issued identification is required.  All volunteers must have an approved application on file with the main office as well, these can be accessed on our website or in the Elementary School main office.

Breakfast and lunch:
Breakfast and lunch menus are sent home with students monthly and are also posted on the district website.
* Please remember to label all items with your child’s name so if they are misplaced, they can be easily returned!