Hoosic Valley Booster Club

The purpose of the Booster Club is to support the Varsity, JV and Modified sports teams. We are a non-profit organization
comprised solely of volunteers. Through the donations of 50/50 raffles, Schaghticoke Fair fried dough and milkshake booth
sales and fundraisers, we are able to provide such things as; varsity jackets, gym banners, state championship celebrations,
sports awards banquets, senior banquets recognizing the senior athletes, donations towards fundraiser events, end of
season team parties, senior day flowers and banners, alumni games, scholarships & more.

Coaches please review the Welcome Packet for more information on the services we offer.

For more information or to become a member please email hvboosterclub@gmail.com

P.O. Box 305
Schaghticoke, NY 12154