Pursuant to State Law and the School Board Policy of Hoosic Valley Central School, all requests for transportation to nonpublic schools must be submitted to the Board of Education no later than April 1, 2024. Families that move into the district after April 1 must file a request within 30 days after establishing residency. No requests will be granted for kindergarten children unless they are five (5) years of age as of December 1, 2024.
To be eligible for transportation, the distance from the resident’s driveway to the non- public-school driveway must not be more than 15 miles, or, if there is current transportation to the selected nonpublic school, that nonpublic school must be within 15 miles of a central pick-up point (Hoosic Valley High School). Parents will bear all responsibility for transporting children to and from the central pick-up point.
Wayne Akin, Transportation Supervisor
Hoosic Valley Central School District
(518) 753-4458 ext. 1503